My phone system is constantly going down. Any advice?

Routine maintenance can help prevent system crashes and crisis situations. Sunco offers telecom managed services that support all major telecom providers and phone manufacturers. If your system is more than five years old, it might be time to think about upgrading. Not only will the system be less likely to go down, but you can […]

My system has crashed during the night. Help!

Sunco provides 24/7 emergency support. Call us at (855) 910-7784 and leave a message in our emergency after-hours mailbox. A member of the tech support team will respond within 2 hours.

My system has gone down. What happens once I call you?

One of our techs will try to help you as much as we can over the phone. Once we understand the problem, our support team will make a visit to your site. We’ll come prepared with as much equipment as we need to get you up and running. When the crisis is over, we can […]